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Let's Make a Deal !

Updated: Nov 30, 2018

It's time for Let's Make a Deal ! But seriously as you begin to seek out vendors to provide specific services for your wedding; please keep in mind the people or companies you selected, you did so because you like the quality of work they do and level of service they provide. Negotiating is one process that could easily show how much value you put on someone’s work. So before your first meeting you want to be careful to not make them feel undervalued by being ridiculous with your pricing negotiations.

Some vendors you may want to work with state from the outset that their prices are firm. Please and I repeat please respect that by either agreeing to the price, or realizing they may not be the right fit for you in terms of your budget. If you do find a vendor that is a little more flexible in their pricing, be absolutely clear about your budget at the start. Next ask what services they can provide based on your budgetary requirements. It’s better to say “I have a budget of $1500 for photography, what are the available options within that range.” Instead of trying to negotiate your way down from a package set at $3500 and asking the vendor for a massive discount of $1500. #LetsBeReal #p2partyperfectco

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